Setup CYBKEY for SSH on Windows

This guide will walk you through setting up the CYBKEY for SSH authentication on

Step 1: Open PowerShell

Press Win+R, type powershell, and then click OK.

Step 2: Install Necessary Software

Install OpenSSH and Git using winget.

winget install "openSSH beta"
winget install Git.Git
Step 3: Reopen PowerShell

Reopen PowerShell to ensure all changes take effect.

Step 4: Generate SSH Keys

Generate your SSH keys. When prompted during the process, you can keep all default options (default path for keys and no passphrase).

ssh-keygen -t ecdsa-sk -C "github fido"

During this process, you’ll encounter several prompts:
1. Security Key Setup: A window titled “Security key setup” will appear. Click OK.

2. Continue Setup: Next, a window titled “Continue setup” will appear. Click OK here as well.

3. Security Key Authentication: You’ll be prompted to place your CYBKEY on the reader.

4. Enter PIN: Enter the PIN for your CYBKEY.

5. Configure SSH Key Generation: Finally, configure the specifics of your SSH key, such as the key path and passphrase options or leave them blank.

Step 5: Add Public Key to GitHub

Navigate to GitHub SSH settings and add your new SSH key.
Go to Settings -> SSH and GPG keys -> New SSH key.
Copy the public key contents from:


You can open this file with Notepad.

Step 6: Test SSH Keys

Try cloning a private repository to test if the SSH setup works correctly. Replace <some private repo> with your repository’s URL.

git clone <some private repo>

A security prompt will appear asking you to confirm the use of your security key.

If everything is set up correctly, your repository should clone without any issues.

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